Saturday, July 17, 2010

Leaves revisited

I kept the leaves that I posted the other day.  I re-shot them after about a week.  When paired with the origial image they present an interesting study on aging.  Comments?  Your thoughts?

Thursday, July 15, 2010


I recently encountered these beauties at Wake, Virginia.  View the entire set on my Flickr site by clicking here.  Enjoy!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Portraits of Leaves

These leaves have such personality.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Huntley Meadows Park

Huntley Meadows Park is a beautiful wetlands preserved on land once owned by George Mason's grandson.  I went there today for the first time and had fun with my camera.  I'm now wishing for a faster and longer zoom lens....of course!  Enjoy these pics and view the entire set on my Flickr page by clicking here

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Backyard Habitat

I've been enjoying my back yard during this beautiful weather.  Although I don't have the best lens for stop action photography, I have been attempting to capture the action around my thistle feeder.  I hope that you appreciate the composition of the images, noting especially the shapes, spacial relationships, colors, etc.  The birds are endlessly fascinating.  OK, there are a few other critters thrown in just for fun. You can view the entire set on my Flickr page here

Note the crest on the young chick!

I love the expression on the face of the dove in the tree!